Eyelykit Studio

Mirror Photo Booth
touch to start animation

St. Patrick Day magic mirror start screen

Free Download! Try this cool Mirror Booth Animation at your next St. Patrick Day event, and see the magic for yourself! Slowly falling snow, creating a magical video.

File Type


magic mirror booth Start Screen

  • (Start Screen (Touch to Start) Animation for Mirror Booths.
  • Universal MP4 Video making this Compatible with all Mirror Booth Software including Fotomaster, Darkroom and Snappic.
  • 1920 x 1080 Vertical Mp4 Video. 
  • 25 FPS, HD 10-20 second welcome screens.

Reflect the Fun!

Bring your mirror booth to life with our stunning animated assets.  Designed to reflect the fun and excitement of every event, these animations ensure that every interaction leaves a lasting impression.

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